Lathe-style Plasma Hardfacing Machine for shaft-type components.

Equipment Model : DW-YY-LC501

A workpiece holding structure resembling a lathe design allows for free rotation, coordinating with the movement of the welding torch. It is particularly suitable for plasma hardfacing of shaft-like, tubular, or cylindrical workpieces.

Lathe-style Plasma Hardfacing Machine Features:

The driving system consists of top-quality linear guides, worm gear reducers, and stepper motors, boasting excellent transmission rigidity, minimal clearance, and high operational stability and precision. The headstock incorporates a roller frame, and the tailstock features a centering pin structure. This integrated design ensures concentricity during rotational operations.

Configuration itemsDescription of main parameters
Axial displacementEffective stroke 2100mm
Lifting mechanismEffective stroke 600 mm
Telescopic beamEffective stroke 450mm
Spindle motorThe rotation speed is 0.01r/min ~ 2.5r/min
Rotating spindle(DXZ-10)Rated load 1000 kg
Chuck:The clamping range of k11-400c is 25-400 mm
Touch screen7-inch screen
Adjustable tug frame(TLX-06)Rated load 600 kg
Thimble tailstock(C6140A)Rated load 1000 kg
Welding wiggler(GCH6A-100)Swing speed 1-90 mm / S
The swing distance is 3-50 mm
ConsoleMobile control platform,
handheld touch control box,
485 communication
Reference footprint4500mm2500mm2000mm

Applicable products:

The lathe-like structure is suitable for hardfacing the outer circumference and inner holes of shaft and tubular workpieces. It can also be used for hardfacing and repairing columnar products like screws and straighteners..

Deewi Automation Technology Co.,Ltd.

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TEL: +8621 6868 2002

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